The Bay Cup is an organization that coordinates a group of fencing tournaments within the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. The organization is directed by representatives from the Northern California, Central California, and Mountain Valley Divisions of USA Fencing. Bay Cup tournaments are hosted by fencing clubs in these divisions at venues from Santa Cruz to Sacramento and everywhere in between.
The Bay Cup coordinates the scheduling of tournaments, creation of event categories and assignment of hosts for the tournaments. The tournaments are run by the host clubs and sanctioned by the divisions. The Bay Cup promotes tournament guidelines and standards intended to help provide fencers with a positive and rewarding tournament experience. The Bay Cup also helps provide information about these events, tracks results and standings in event series, and coordinates medals for placement in each series.
The Bay Cup is not an entity of USA Fencing or of the local divisions. Any questions regarding ROCs, RJCCs, SYCs, JOs, or NACs should be directed to the National Office, and any questions regarding Divisional Qualifiers should be directed to the appropriate Division. Contact information can be found here.